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Introduction to the Oriental Pearl Tower

The Oriental Pearl Tower is a well-known landmark located in Shanghai, China. It is a TV tower and a popular tourist attraction in the city. The tower, which stands at over 468 meters tall, was the tallest building in China when it was built in 1994. It is made up of 11 spheres, which are connected by 3 columns and a central shaft. The design of the structure is inspired by a traditional Chinese poem that describes a beautiful pearl shining in the sky.


The Oriental Pearl Tower was built in 1994 and was designed and constructed by the Shanghai Modern Architectural Design Co. Ltd, the East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd, and the China State Construction Engineering Corporation. The tower took three years to build and was completed in 1994 just in time for the Asian Games that were held in Shanghai that year.

The Oriental Pearl Tower has since become a symbol of Shanghai and attracts millions of visitors each year. The tower is a must-visit attraction for anyone visiting the city and offers incredible views of the city skyline from its observation decks.


The Oriental Pearl Tower has several attractions that visitors can enjoy. The main attraction is the observation deck, which is located at a height of 263 meters and offers breathtaking views of Shanghai. Visitors can take high-speed elevators to the observation deck, which takes approximately 40 seconds to reach the top. The observation deck has several telescopes that visitors can use to get a closer look at the city skyline.

Another attraction in the tower is the Space Module, which is located at a height of 350 meters and is designed to look like a spaceship. The Space Module has a revolving restaurant and an observation deck that offers panoramic views of the city. The restaurant serves a variety of Chinese and international cuisine and is a great place to enjoy a meal while taking in the stunning views of the city.

Visiting the Oriental Pearl Tower

Visitors can purchase tickets to visit the Oriental Pearl Tower at the entrance of the tower or online. The tower is open from 8:00 am to 9:30 pm daily, and visitors are advised to arrive early to avoid long queues and crowds. There are several dining options available in the tower, including the revolving restaurant, a food court, and a Starbucks café.

Overall, the Oriental Pearl Tower is a fascinating attraction in Shanghai that offers incredible views of the city skyline and a unique experience for visitors. Whether you are interested in the history and architecture of the tower or simply want to enjoy the panoramic views from the observation deck, the Oriental Pearl Tower is a must-visit attraction in Shanghai.

转载请注明原文地址: http://www.2345lzwz.cn/read-371067.html

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