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When it comes to learning English pronunciation, understanding the rules of syllable stress can make a big difference. One important rule to remember is the "stress on the first syllable" pattern. This rule states that in many English words, the stress or emphasis is placed on the first syllable. Let's explore this rule further in this article!

The Basics of Syllable Stress

In English, a syllable is a unit of sound that has one vowel sound with or without surrounding consonants. When we talk about syllable stress, we are referring to which syllable in a word is emphasized or pronounced more forcefully than the others. Understanding syllable stress is crucial for clear and effective communication in English.

Examples of Stress on the First Syllable

Words that follow the "stress on the first syllable" rule include many common English words. For instance, words like "happy," "apple," "table," and "mother" all have the stress placed on the first syllable. By identifying and practicing these words, you can improve your pronunciation and sound more natural when speaking English.

Exceptions to the Rule

While the "stress on the first syllable" pattern holds true for many words in English, there are also exceptions to the rule. Some words have their stress on the second or even third syllable. Examples of words with stress on the second syllable include "before," "accept," and "delay." It's important to be aware of these exceptions and practice them accordingly.

Tips for Practicing Syllable Stress

To master syllable stress in English, it's helpful to listen to native speakers and pay attention to how they emphasize different syllables in words. You can also use online resources and language learning apps to practice stress patterns and improve your pronunciation. Regular practice and exposure to spoken English will help you internalize these rules.


Understanding the "stress on the first syllable" rule is a fundamental aspect of English pronunciation. By learning and practicing syllable stress patterns, you can enhance your communication skills and speak English with more confidence. Remember to pay attention to stress patterns in words, keep practicing, and eventually, you'll become more proficient in English pronunciation.

Keep exploring and learning, and you'll soon find yourself making great strides in your English language journey!

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古风形容恋人句子(古风情侣句子一对二句)古风形容幻境的句子(描绘仙境的优美句子短句)古风形容女神句子(伤感的句子)古风形容女孩句子(爱情的句子唯美短句)古风形容俏皮女生句子(古风句子唯美简短意境)古风形容俏皮女生句子(古风句子古韵遗风惊艳)古风幸运句子简短唯美(幸运的句子经典语句)古风幸运句子简短唯美(8个字幸运的唯美句子)古风幸福甜蜜的句子(古风深情句子)古风宴会文案句子大全(描写宫廷宴会的诗句)古风学堂舞蹈文案句子(舞蹈文案怎么写)古风学堂舞蹈文案句子(唯美的古风表白文案)古风姓侯的句子(我姓侯的文字头像霸气)古风姓侯的句子(关于侯字的唯美句子)古风养花句子养花人(养花人的心境诗句)古风兄弟少年文案句子(关于兄弟情的文案)古风修行剑道的句子(修行的句子经典语句)古风虐心句子语录合集古风虐心句子简短(古风让人虐到心碎的句子)古风虐心句子简短(古风虐心)古风虐心句子情侣(古风凄美嗜血网名)古风虐心凄美文案古风虐哭文案句子(唯美文案句子)古风荣誉怎么描述句子(形容古风女子的句子)古风腮红分享文案句子(腮红文案)古风能吃的句子(古人赞美美食的句子)古风绝美经典句子(古风霸气潇洒的句子)古风绝美句子枕上书(超甜的古风句子)韩国第一夫人终于露面 时隔153天现身午宴翻出一堆施华洛世奇后悔没买黄金,施华洛世奇饰品的“遇冷”现象映射出消费者价值观潮汕阿姨唱“生腌”英文歌,她没开口唱歌,却被誉为“魔性”英文歌“洗脑”姑娘翻出一堆施华洛世奇后悔没买黄金 轻奢品失宠记《庆余年2》刚开播就被抓穿帮!庆帝穿了运动鞋古风绝世佳人句子(一眼惊艳的古风句子)古风签名霸气傲骨(优雅古风签名)古风签名说说句子(霸气冷血的古风句子)古风秋的句子(艳和秋组成的网名)古风秋冬温柔文案句子(唯美文案句子)古风神仙句子友谊(同窗友谊的珍贵的句子)古风祈福唯美句子(最浪漫的古风表白句子)古风社招新句子(写给心上人的古风句子)古风盼归来的句子(待君归来的唯美句子)古风盛世弹琴文案句子(描写古风女子弹琴的句子)古风疲惫的句子(形容很累很疲惫的古诗词)古风男衣服描述句子(古风唯美句子简短)古风男眉毛描写句子(形容男生的眉毛的句子)古风男生温柔文案句子(文案温柔)古风男生外貌的句子(校园帅气男生外貌描写)古风男生句子文案(优美的古风句子)古风男版霸气句子(霸气的古风语录)古风男方告白句子(关于爱情的唯美句子)古风男情话文案句子(古风文艺情话文案)古风男子高冷句子(男系古风高冷头像)古风男子语录唯美句子(男生专用古风句子)古风男子行为描写句子(最浪漫的古风表白句子)古风男子行为描写句子(古风短句)古风男子肤色描写句子(描写古风男子倾世容颜)古风男子成亲描写句子(霸气句子)古风男子容貌描述句子(古代男子长相)古风男子喝酒唯美句子(喝酒比较有诗意的句子)
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