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Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important traditional festival in China. It is celebrated on the lunar calendar, beginning with the first new moon of the year and lasting for 15 days. Spring Festival is a time for family reunions, paying respect to ancestors, and welcoming in the new year.

Cleaning and Decorating

Before the Spring Festival, one customary practice is cleaning the house to get rid of any bad luck from the old year and to welcome in good fortune. Homes are also decorated with red lanterns, couplets, and other festive decorations. Red is the dominant color since it is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck and prosperity.

Reunion Dinner

The biggest event during the Spring Festival is the reunion dinner, usually held on New Year’s Eve. Families gather together to enjoy a big feast to celebrate the past year and to look forward to the new one. The foods served are symbolic, such as whole fish for abundance, dumplings for wealth, and longevity noodles for a long life.

Red Envelopes

Red envelopes, called “hongbao” in Mandarin, are a tradition during the Spring Festival. Elders usually give red envelopes filled with money to children as a symbol of good luck and fortune. However, in recent years, young people have also started giving red envelopes to friends and loved ones as a way of showing gratitude and love.

Fireworks and Firecrackers

Fireworks and firecrackers are a quintessential part of the Spring Festival celebration. It is believed that the loud noises and bright lights scare off evil spirits and bring good luck. During the 15-day festival, fireworks are set off throughout the day and night, creating a festive and exciting atmosphere.

Dragon and Lion Dance

The dragon and lion dance is a highlight of the Spring Festival parade. The dragon dance involves a long dragon made of colorful fabric, held up on poles by a team of performers. The lion dance involves one or more performers in a lion costume, dancing and jumping to the beat of a drum. Both dances are believed to bring good luck and fortune.


Spring Festival is a time of great joy and celebration in China, as families come together to celebrate the new year. The traditions and customs associated with Chinese New Year are rich and varied, reflecting the deep cultural heritage of the Chinese people.

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古风表白句子短句霸气女生古风表白句子有诗意的男生古风虐心语段古风绣花唯美句子(绣花文案)古风绣花唯美句子简短(形容刺绣的美句)古风绣花唯美句子简短(关于刺绣的诗句和美句)古风绣花唯美句子大全(赞美刺绣的唯美的话)古风秀恩爱文案古风研磨粮食的句子(赞美粗粮的诗句)古风研磨粮食的句子(唯美句子摘抄古风)古风眼睛好看的句子(赞美眼睛的唯美古语)古风眼睛好看的句子(形容男生好看的古风句)古风眼影广告赏析句子(古风眼线眼影怎么画)古风清雅简短句子(唯美的古风环境描写)古风押韵励志口号16字(有创意的 押韵的口号16字)古风形容苏州句子(淡雅唯美古风意境句子)古风形容花瓣的句子(最浪漫的古风表白句子)古风形容美貌文案句子(伤感古风句子)古风形容美人的句子(古风美人清新淡雅描写句子)古风形容结婚的句子(古风短句美到哭五个字)古风形容男孩文案句子(求而不得的古风句子)古风形容男孩文案句子(形容少年的古风句子)古风形容男孩文案句子(少年公子古风文案)古风形容沐浴的句子(描写沐浴的古诗)古风形容散文的句子(意境很美的句子)古风形容散文的句子(形容雪景的优美句子)古风形容散文的句子(伤感的句子)古风形容俏皮女生句子(形容女人调皮可爱的诗句)古风寻找伴侣的句子(愿一生相守的古风句子)古风寻找伴侣的句子(形容遇到对的伴侣的句子)古风寻找伴侣的句子(寻找另一半的句子诗句)古风姓氏句子姓范的(姓氏古风姓氏诗句大全)古风妖魅文案句子霸气(霸气的古风文案女生)古风妖魅文案句子霸气(容易上热门的文案古风)古风养花句子养花人(养花的经典句子)古风兄弟文案高级句子(朋友圈古风文案)古风兄弟少年文案句子(少年的你发朋友圈文案)古风修行剑道的句子(古风仙气剑句子)古风虐心句子简短(古风让人虐到心碎的句子)古风虐心句子简短(凄美古风虐心微小说)古风虐哭文案句子(唯美古风原创文案)古风虐哭文案句子(关于生日的文案简短古风)古风荣誉怎么描述句子(古风描写眼眸的句子)古风舍不得的句子(写给心上人的古风句子)古风绝美经典句子(古风唯美的语句)古风绝美句子霸气文案(朋友圈古风文案)第一批快递小哥退休了:退休快递员有房有车有存款有退休金儿子进入同一家公司潮汕阿姨唱“生腌”英文歌 独特口音风靡网络姑娘翻出一堆施华洛世奇后悔没买黄金,黄金才是真保值?今年的荔枝,“有的吃就不错了”古风绝世佳人句子(写给心上人的古风句子)古风签名说说句子(有意境的句子古风)古风签名爱意句子霸气(个性签名简短气质8个字)古风秋的句子(意境很美的句子)古风秋的句子(古风句子)古风秋季励志文案句子(秋天的古风文案)古风秋天的句子大全(秋天的意境句子)古风秋天的句子大全(秋天唯美诗句)古风秋天故人句子(古风意境雪句子)古风秋冬温柔文案句子(超级温柔的古风文案)
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