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“Some things never change.”

As one of the most beloved Disney franchises of all time, Frozen is a ride of emotions that tugs at the strings of the audience. The first installment left a lasting impression on children and adults alike. Additionally, with the debut of Frozen 2, fans can look forward to enjoying that timeless magic once again. Amidst the exciting new film, the “Some things never change” quote stands out as a nod to Frozen’s loyal following.

Audiences can rejoice as Frozen 2 presents us with Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff, and Sven cheekily participating in this nostalgia-driven number. However, while the song is light-hearted and whimsical, the true message behind the lyrics is a call to memory. Frozen fans recall the original and how the characters they love so much have remained the same. Anna is still her bright and brave self, Olaf is still adorably na?ve, and Elsa remains the queen of ice and snow. This sentiment is what makes Frozen so timeless. We can always count on these characters to make us feel the same way we did during our very first watch.

“I believe in you, Elsa. More than anyone or anything.”

One of the greatest themes of Frozen 2 is the importance of sisterhood and family. More specifically, the bond between Elsa and Anna is what kept viewers hanging onto the edge of their seat for the first and second installments. The phrase “I believe in you, Elsa. More than anyone or anything” embodies the spirit of sisterly devotion in Frozen. Anna’s love for Elsa is unconditional and pure and highlights that deep-rooted bond that continues to resonate with audiences everywhere.

Elsa’s personal journey throughout Frozen is a testament to her character development and strength. She has battled her inner demons and fears since the very beginning, and this struggle truly comes to light in Frozen 2. The quote serves to show Anna’s firm faith in Elsa’s abilities, with Anna being the one to bring Elsa back from the brink of darkness and guide her towards her destiny. By believing in Elsa, Anna proved herself to be an unwavering supporter of her sister’s journey, no matter how terrifying it may become.

“The past is not what it seems.”

Another significant theme of Frozen 2 is the power of the past and letting go of it. The quote, "The past is not what it seems," is the notion that the things we thought we knew about our past have hidden depths and secrets we are yet to uncover.

In the first installment, Elsa believed that her magic was a curse, an affliction that plagued her family and made her an outcast. However, upon learning the truth about her past, Elsa is able to see that her powers are a gift that brings happiness to her people. This recognition of the truth hands Elsa the courage and validation she needs to start her journey. This kind of empowerment and self-discovery can be found throughout Frozen 2, as characters continue to uncover secrets from the past and learn the deeper meanings of what their experiences mean to them.


Frozen 2 brings back the same timeless magic and heartwarming characters that made the first one a legend. Fans will fall in love with Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff, and Sven all over again. The inherent messages of sisterhood, love, and self-discovery are just as powerful as they were before. As the characters sing "Some things never change," they remind viewers of the emotional impact that Disney can have on their souls.

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