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How to Say April 22nd in English

When it comes to expressing dates in English, it's important to understand how to properly say the different components. Let's break down how to say April 22nd in English.

Months in English

The fourth month of the year is April. In English, the months of the year always start with a capital letter. So remember to capitalize the first letter when writing or saying the name of a month.

Cardinal Numbers for Dates

April 22nd can be broken down into two parts: the month (April) and the day (22). In English, when we talk about specific dates, we use cardinal numbers to indicate the day. In this case, 22 is said as "twenty-second."

Ordinal Numbers for Dates

When writing the date in English, it is common to use ordinal numbers for the day. Therefore, April 22nd is written as "April 22nd," with the "nd" denoting that it is the 22nd day of the month.

Putting It All Together

So, in English, April 22nd is correctly pronounced and written as "April twenty-second" or "April 22nd." Remember to capitalize the first letter of the month and use ordinal numbers for the day to ensure you are expressing the date accurately in English.


Now that you know how to say April 22nd in English, you can confidently communicate dates using the correct terminology. Practice saying different dates in English to become more familiar with the language and improve your communication skills.

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