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Its and Its Usage

"Its" is a commonly used word in English language. It is a possessive pronoun which means that it shows ownership of something or someone. However, the usage of "its" can be tricky as it is often confused with "it's". In this article, we will discuss the usage of "its" and clear any misconceptions related to it.

Usage of Its

"Its" is used to show possession or ownership of something that does not have a gender. For example, "The dog wagged its tail" and "The tree lost its leaves in winter". In both cases, the word "its" is used to show that the tail and leaves belong to the dog and the tree respectively.

However, it is important to note that "its" is not used when referring to a person or an object that has a gender. In such cases, "his" or "her" should be used instead. For example, "The boy lost his wallet" and "The girl combed her hair".

Difference Between Its and It's

"It's" is often confused with "its" but they have different meanings. "It's" is used as a contraction of "it is" or "it has". For example, "It's raining outside" and "It's been a long day".

To differentiate between the two, it is important to remember that if the sentence can be written as "it is" or "it has" then "it's" should be used. Otherwise, "its" should be used for possession. For example, "The dog wagged its tail" can not be written as "The dog wagged it is tail" and thus "its" is used.

Common Mistakes related to Its

One of the most common mistakes related to "its" is the confusion with "it's". Many people use "it's" instead of "its" even when it is not suitable. This mistake can be easily avoided by checking the meaning of the sentence and using the correct word accordingly.

Another common mistake is the usage of "his" or "her" instead of "its". This mistake is often made when referring to objects or animals that are considered to have a gender. However, it is important to remember that "its" should be used for possession regardless of gender.


In conclusion, "its" is a commonly used possessive pronoun that is often confused with "it's". However, by understanding its usage and differentiating it from "it's", one can avoid common mistakes related to it. It is important to remember that "its" is used for possession of objects or animals that do not have a gender and should not be confused with "his" or "her".


宅院古风拍照文案句子(古风院落名字)夹子专用语句(夹子音说什么好听)加餐的说说(晚上给孩子加餐发圈说说)加缪 鼠疫 名句(加缪英文名言)加相亲对象微信开场白加班累成狗的经典语录(表达上班很累的句子)加班工作带来的痛苦(天天加班很烦想辞职)加班加点工作幽默句子(形容上班的句子)加油话语简短(加油打气励志的句子)加油的语句怎样说(励志加油短句)加油的诗句 正能量加油打气的句子唯美短句(正能量给自己打气的话)加油广东用不了(广东加油卡外省能用吗)加油少年打气励志的句子简短(青少年努力的经典句子)加油向上的话(好好加油的句子)加油努力读书的句子(表扬宝贝读书很棒的句子)加标点符号的句子大全及(说话加标点符号的句子大全)加持什么意思(什么叫佛力加持)加完班的喜悦(加班完成工作后的心情)加字含义详解(姓名加字什么什么是啥意思)加减乘除的句子(加减乘除对什么句)加倍努力工作的语句(工作加油的句子 正能量)加了女生微信怎么开始聊天加上双引号表示什么意思(她加双引号是啥意思)加an(用不定冠词an的单词有哪些)冀字部首(翼字部首)佳的句子(带佳字的五言绝句)佳句简短5字(唯美简短的句子)鸡汤话语简短鸡汤词语(心灵鸡汤经典语录)鸡汤暖锅(火锅鸡汤)鸡汤文案短句(流行鸡汤句子简短)鸡汤心灵短句鸡汤鸡尾酒rio广告词(鸡尾酒好听的宣传语)饥饿组词造句(烛光的造句又短又好)饥饿怎么造句(用hungry造句子简单)货车拉货的经典词语(货运宣传广告词)货车司机的经典说说(货车司机的走心文案)货车司机生活不易的句子(致卡车司机辛苦的句子)货车出车吉祥语(恭喜提新货车的经典句子)货船造句(用船舶造句子)货柜怎么装货(厢式货车装货技巧)获此殊荣是什么意思(获奖能说获此殊荣吗)获奖激励的话(获奖的名言名句)获奖感言感恩老师(得奖感谢老师的话简短)获奖感言一句话15个字感谢老师(获奖感言优美句子)获奖感恩老师的句子(感恩话语简短)获奖感恩老师的句子(感恩经典语录)获奖感恩老师的句子怎么写(得奖感谢老师的话语)获奖后怎么感谢老师(得到荣誉后感谢的感言)获奖了感谢老师教育之恩的话(感恩老师的语言)获取所有的子元素(js获取元素的指定子元素)肌肉句子(夸赞肌肉美的语句)积累描写心情感动的句子积累冬天的句子(关于冬天下雪的谚语)积极阳光的文案(每天乐观心态正能量文案)积极训练的句子积极生活的英文短句(3个英文单词的霸气短句)积极正能量的诗积极正能量的经典句子(生活语录正能量)
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