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Guitar & Grass: A Winning Combination

Do you enjoy strumming a guitar, but also appreciate the calming effects of being outside in nature? Look no further than playing guitar on the grass! This activity combines the benefits of music therapy with the tranquility of the outdoors.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Guitar

Guitar playing has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety levels. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, playing an instrument such as the guitar can lower blood pressure, decrease heart rate, and improve overall mood. It’s no wonder that so many musicians turn to their guitar when they need to decompress.

The Health Benefits of Being Outside on the Grass

Spending time outdoors has numerous mental and physical health benefits. Exposure to natural sunlight helps to boost vitamin D levels, which in turn can strengthen bones and improve the immune system. Being outside on the grass can also reduce stress levels and help to improve overall wellbeing. Research has shown that just a few minutes outside in nature can lower cortisol levels, which is the hormone associated with stress.

Bringing it All Together

So why not combine the benefits of both playing guitar and being outside on the grass? Find a quiet spot in a park or your backyard and take your guitar with you. Whether you are a seasoned player or a beginner, playing outside can be a refreshing change of pace. Feeling the grass under your feet and the sunshine on your face can help you to relax and focus on your music. Not to mention, being in nature may even spark some creative inspiration for new tunes!

Tips for Playing Guitar on the Grass

Playing guitar on the grass can be a little different than playing indoors. Here are some tips to make the most of your outdoor music session:

Bring a blanket or towel to sit on so you are comfortable.

Tune your guitar before you head outside, as the change in temperature can affect the strings.

Bring a capo or extra picks with you, just in case.

Avoid playing in damp grass to protect your guitar.

Be mindful of others around you, and make sure you are in a space where music is permitted.

In Conclusion

Playing guitar on the grass is a relaxing and enjoyable activity that provides numerous health benefits. The combination of music and nature can help to reduce stress levels and improve overall wellbeing. So what are you waiting for? Grab your guitar and hit the grass!


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