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How to Ask About the Weather in English

The weather can have a big impact on our daily plans and activities, whether we are going to work, meeting friends, or going for a hike. In English, it's important to be able to ask about and understand the weather forecast, so that we can plan accordingly. Here are some common phrases and patterns for asking about the weather in English:

Asking about the General Weather

When you want to know about the general weather conditions, you can use these phrases:

"How's the weather today?"

"What's the weather like outside?"

"Is it raining/snowing/sunny today?"

These questions are simple and straightforward, and can be used in most situations. You can also add adjectives to make your question more specific, such as:

"Is it hot and humid outside?"

"Is it chilly and windy today?"

"Is it foggy and misty this morning?"

Asking about the Temperature

If you want to know the specific temperature, you can use these phrases:

"What's the temperature today?"

"How warm/cold is it outside?"

"What's the high/low for today?"

These questions will give you a more precise answer about the temperature. It's also common to use Fahrenheit or Celsius when talking about the temperature. For example:

"What's the high for today in Celsius?"

"Is it going to be above freezing today?"

"What's the temperature in Fahrenheit right now?"

Asking about the Forecast

If you want to know the forecast for the next few days, you can use these phrases:

"What's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?"

"Is it going to be sunny or cloudy this weekend?"

"What's the forecast for the next few days?"

These questions will give you a general idea of what to expect in the coming days. It's also common to talk about the chance of precipitation, such as:

"Is there a chance of rain tomorrow?"

"Will it be a dry or wet weekend?"

"What's the likelihood of snow in the next few days?"

In Conclusion

Asking about the weather in English is a basic conversation skill that can come in handy in many situations. By using some of these common phrases and patterns, you can easily ask about the general weather, temperature, and forecast. Remember to add adjectives and specific details to your questions for a more precise answer. So, how's the weather where you are today?

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