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English Sentence Stress: Examples and Explanation

English sentence stress refers to the emphasis placed on certain syllables or words in a sentence. The correct use of sentence stress can help to convey meaning and emphasize important points in speech or writing. Here are some examples and an explanation of how sentence stress works in English.

How Sentence Stress Works

Sentence stress is based on the idea that some words in a sentence are more important than others, and these important words should be emphasized through a change in volume, pitch, or duration. For example, consider the sentence "I didn't say you were wrong." By emphasizing different words, we can change the meaning of the sentence:

I didn't say you were wrong. (Someone else said it.)

I didn't say you were wrong. (I implied it.)

I didn't say you were wrong. (I wrote it.)

I didn't say you were wrong. (You are currently wrong.)

I didn't say you were wrong. (You were mistaken about what I said.)

Examples of Sentence Stress

Here are some more examples of how sentence stress can change the meaning of a sentence:

Police caught the thief.

Police caught the thief's partner.

Police caught the thief with the stolen goods.

Police caught the thief last night.

Police did catch the thief, despite what you heard.

Why Sentence Stress Matters

Using correct sentence stress can help to convey meaning, emphasize important points, and make speech or writing more engaging. It can also help non-native speakers to understand spoken English more easily, as they can use the emphasized words as clues to understand the meaning of the sentence.

In conclusion, sentence stress is an important aspect of spoken and written English. By emphasizing the important words in a sentence, we can change the meaning and convey our message more effectively.

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