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How to Pronounce "玫瑰花" in English

玫瑰花 (méi guī huā) is the Chinese word for "rose." If you're an English speaker, you might wonder how to pronounce this beautiful word. Here's a quick guide:

The Pronunciation of Each Individual Character

The word 玫瑰花 is composed of three characters: 玫 (méi), 瑰 (guī), and 花 (huā). Here's how to pronounce each character:

玫 (méi): This character has a first tone. It's pronounced like the English word "may."

瑰 (guī): This character has a second tone. It's pronounced with a rising pitch, similar to the word "gway."

花 (huā): This character has a third tone. It's pronounced with a falling and rising pitch, like the word "hwah."

The Most Common English Pronunciation

When English speakers talk about 玫瑰花, they usually pronounce it as "may-gway-hwah" or "may-gwee-hwah." This is the most common English pronunciation and will be easily understood by others.

Other Possible Pronunciations

While "may-gway-hwah" is the most common way to pronounce 玫瑰花 in English, there are other possible pronunciations as well. Some people might say "may-gwee-hwa" or "may-gwuh-hwah." It's important to note that these variations might not be as easily understood by other English speakers.

The Beauty of the Rose

Whether you pronounce it "may-gway-hwah" or "may-gwee-hwah," the word 玫瑰花 is a beautiful way to describe the rose. Known for its beauty and sweet aroma, the rose is a popular flower all over the world.

In addition to being a popular flower for decoration and gift-giving, roses also have a variety of symbolic meanings. Depending on the color, a rose can represent love, friendship, gratitude, and more.


Now that you know how to pronounce "玫瑰花" in English, you can confidently share your love for the beautiful rose with others. Whether you choose to say "may-gway-hwah" or another pronunciation, the meaning of the word remains the same - a symbol of beauty and love.

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