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What Does “Scary” Mean and How to Pronounce It?

Do you know what the word “scary” means, or how to pronounce it correctly in English? If not, this article will provide you with all the information you need.

What Does “Scary” Mean?

“Scary” is an adjective that describes something that is frightening, causing fear or terror. For example, a horror movie or a haunted house can be considered “scary”. It is derived from the word “scar”, which means a mark or injury left on the skin from a wound. The word “scary” has the same root as “scar” because something that is scary can leave a psychological wound or mark on a person.

How Do You Pronounce “Scary”?

The word “scary” is pronounced as “skair-ee”. The stress is on the first syllable “skair”. The “a” sound is pronounced as the “a” in “cat”. The ending “-y” is the same sound as in “happy” or “silly”.

Other Words You Can Use Instead of “Scary”:

If you are writing an essay, article, or an email, and you want to avoid repeating the word “scary,” here are some alternative words you can use instead:







These words all share the same meaning as “scary” and can be used to describe something that causes fear or terror.


In conclusion, “scary” is a word that describes something that is frightening and causes fear or terror. It is pronounced as “skair-ee” and can be substituted with alternative words such as “frightening” or “terrifying.” Hopefully, this article has provided you with a better understanding of the word “scary” and how to use it correctly in English.


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