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Knock is one of the most commonly used English words, but its pronunciation can be tricky for non-native speakers. In this article, we will discuss how to properly pronounce the word "knock" and provide some tips for improving your English pronunciation.

Pronunciation of Knock

The correct pronunciation of "knock" is /nɑk/. In phonetic notation, the symbol /n/ represents the "n" sound as in "no", while the symbol /ɑ/ represents the "ah" sound as in "father". The final consonant sound, /k/, is pronounced by closing the glottis and releasing a burst of air.

It's important to note that the "k" in "knock" is silent. This is because "kn" is a consonant cluster that is pronounced as a single sound. So, when you say "knock", it should sound like you are saying "nock" with an "n" in front.

Tips for Improving Pronunciation

Improving your pronunciation can be challenging, especially if you are not used to the sounds of English. Here are a few tips that can help:

Learn the sounds of English: English has many sounds that are not found in other languages. By learning these sounds, you can improve your ability to pronounce English words correctly.

Practice, practice, practice: The more you practice pronouncing words, the better your pronunciation will become. Try practicing with a language partner or tutor.

Listen to native speakers: One of the best ways to improve your pronunciation is to listen to how native speakers pronounce words. You can listen to English audio books, podcasts, or watch English videos.

Use a pronunciation app: There are many apps available that can help you improve your English pronunciation. These apps provide feedback on your pronunciation and suggest ways to improve.


In conclusion, the word "knock" is pronounced as /nɑk/ with a silent "k". If you are struggling with your English pronunciation, follow the tips outlined in this article to improve your skills. Remember that improving your pronunciation takes time and practice, but with dedication, you can become a confident English speaker.


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